Thursday, March 21, 2013

WOman vs. FOOD Part 1.

Confession: I secretly love/hate the show Man vs Food.  Love how he finds cool places to eat, don't really care for eating till you make yourself sick.

Anywho...what a great way to start a post about food and fitness?!  Let me start off by saying I am not a certified nutritionist or a personal trainer.  I just LOVE and READ a TON about both.  What I am about to write comes from what I've read, what I've been taught, and my own personal beliefs.

As promised, I am going to write about my pre, during, and post pregnancy health and fitness. This may take a few posts.

Exercising is in my blood--any form or fashion.  Pretty soon after Matt and I got the the big news I started thinking of how I was going maintain some sort of fitness.  Matt and I talked about it frequently, consulted with our doctor and came up with a good plan.  Of course, it all depended on how my body would handle pregnancy.

Before starting any fitness program, you MUST look at where you currently stand.  Give yourself a fitness test... not literally, but figure out where you are with your cardio and strength training.  I just came off training for the Superfrog Half Ironman so I had a pretty good base.  For the half Ironman, I trained with my girlfriend, Sarah Beck, who is a personal trainer.  Check her out here.  She is truly an amazing motivator, coach, and friend.  She kicked my butt for the Ironman and I knew she could keep me focused the next 9 months.

As the months progressed and my body changed, I always thought of a couple of things:
1. No excuses, no disappointments
2.  If I let go of myself now, how hard is it going to be once he is born
3. Bring on the pounds baaaaaby!  Literally, bring em'on

4 months preggers
My decision to swim, bike, run, zumba, yoga, hike, camp, (I did say any form or fashion) and eat right was my personal goal and lifestyle.

6 months preggers,  5K Heroes 9/11 Race

Of course, I ate stuff that I shouldn't have, I indulged in moderation (I had major cravings for steak), and I rested when I needed to.  We are human aren't we?!

Oddly, I had a craving for these little guys too

Here is what one typical workout looked like at 8 months:
Cardio Workout:
30-45 min (elliptical- incorporate a variation of resistances, speeds, and inclines)
*Weekends were always 1 hour

Resistance Workout: (I did 20-40 reps of each)
Bent over rows
push ups 
wide squats 
side raises w/ 5lb weights 
upward row w/bar (20 lbs)
walking lunges w/hands above head 
quick shoulder presses w/bar (20 lbs)
bicep curls w/bar
side planks

Did people look at me like a crazy person at the gym?!  HECK YES THEY DID!  I even had a spin instructor who wanted to kick me out of his class.  My doctor got a good kick out of that one.

9 months preggers

Ultimately, enjoying pregnancy was key.  Those are the things I did to enjoy it as much as I could.  Stand by for Part 2.

Did I miss anything that you would like to know?  

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