Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Sunday: Long run and silly things you've done one too many times

The whole family went to church last night, which meant we could get up early and get our long run on today.

We didn't get our long run in yesterday due to the rain

Weston thought it would be a good/awesome/fantastic idea to get up early too.  At 5:30, he was wide awake and jabbering away (a new and adorable thing he's learned to do).  I'm sure he was telling us how much fun we were going to have on our run today.

10 miles.  Matt took the first 5 with stroller and I took the last 5.  I LOVE pushing baby W the second part of our run.   It adds an extra challenge when I'm feeling a little more tired.  Plus, I would feel bad if Matt had to push the ENTIRE time.

First 5 (negative splits) Average 8:30
Mile 6: 8'21"
Mile 7: 8'00"
Mile 8: 8'06" (a little uphill)
Mile 9: 8'05"
Mile 10: 7'53"

It was overcast and the skies looked like they were threatening to let loose at any moment.  Fortunately, it stayed dry the entire time  :-).  Despite Weston being so excited this morning, he slept the entire time.  I made sure to give him a full recap when he woke up.

On another note.  Are there things you've done one too many times and it surprises you every time you do it again?  I'm raising my hand way in the sky and saying, "Oh yes!"

Here are my top 10 Oops, I've done it again moments:

1. Thinking I've started my watch or GPS at the beginning of my workout -- Grrrr

2.  Forgetting to return the red box after 24 hrs -- $cha-ching$ on that $1 movie

3.  Drinking too much coffee before a long run -- no explanation needed :-)

4. Leaving my water bottle/fuel at home -- I'm even thirstier when I'm without it

5.  Brushing my teeth right before a work out -- causes too much saliva

6.  Getting ready at the gym and realizing I forgot my towel -- nothing better than drying your body with a paper towel

7.  Forgetting you started a load of laundry -- "Smelly cat, smelly cat"

8.  Not bringing extra safety pins to a race -- lopsided bib

9.  Forgetting to start the timer for soft boiled eggs -- it has to be 5 min.  nothing more and nothing less. 

And my #10 and ultimate favorite

10.  Wearing my under roos inside out -- I know...TMI, but it's happened too many times for me not to share.  I always send my mom the same text when it happens, "It's a good day when your under roos are inside out"

Happy Sunday everyone!

How was your workout today? 

Anything silly you've done more than once and seem to do over and over again?  I would love to hear about it.


  1. 6. Getting ready at the gym and realizing I forgot my towel -- nothing better than drying your body with a paper towel

    Uh, this has happened to me too many times.

    1. Too funny! And the fact it's happened more than twice/three/ten times is even better. :-)

  2. Dang, you're fast girl! And with a stroller for the last five? Wow. Totally impressed.

    1. Thanks girl! You're fast too!! I'm really trying to get back into running shape before my official marathon training begins.

  3. #1, 2, 6, and 7 = happen to me ALL THE TIME!!!

    For my Garmin, sometimes I stop my watch when I stop for water, or for the dog to go to the bathroom, etc, and I ALWAYS forget to start it again. I had to switch to just never stopping it because it was happening too much.

    Also, one of my sister's friends recently had twins and invited us on a run with them. And she gave us a warning before hand that the stroller really slows her down and we should expect it to be slow - "around 8:45-9 minute miles"...and we run 9 minute miles normally...without pushing twins...

    Running moms are so impressive to me.

    1. Agree, agree, agree! Shouldn't the garmin know when you're taking a water break and stop/start itself when you're running again. **New invention.

    2. I GUESS it technically does because it gives you the "average pace" and "average moving pace" so it knows when you stop...but the fact that there are different times just annoys me.
