Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"How Real Moms Lose Weight" and your opinion

I know not all the readers of Tribalancegirl are moms, bouncy back from a pregnancy or even a girl (shout out to TheChronicles :-).  I still want to know what you think about this article.   How Real Moms Lose Weight

Three questions I asked myself while reading:
1. How do fake moms lose weight?
2. Is it really that easy to clean sweep your fridge when not everyone in your house is on a diet?
3. Why do we ALWAYS have to be on a diet?  *eeek to the word diet

Three things I did like about the article:
1. Your baby loves you no matter what you look like.
2. Take your baby on board.  It's so great when you can take your wee one with you during your workouts.
3. Exercise in intervals.  You can do this on a cardio machine or on your own.  Great for a little extra burn.

My next post will consist of pre and post pregnancy workouts and lifestyle.  (*Thank you Mom for the recommendation!)


  1. Such a cute little preggo pic :)

  2. Thank you. Nothing like being barefoot and pregnant on the beach :-)
