Saturday, March 23, 2013

When You Look in the Mirror...

When you look in the mirror, do you see an inspirational person? 

Do you see someone who's put in the effort to be called an athlete?
Do you see someone who isn't full of excuses?

Do you see someone who is full of motivation and dedication?

If you don't... 
start looking deeper.  

Adjust your mind and body.  

It's not about what you CAN'T do.  It's about what you CAN do.  

And always remember



Do you have an inspirational quote you would like to share?


  1. One of my favorite quotes that reminds me to live in the moment is "Life is what happens when you're making other plans."

    It could apply to exercise- Don't plan to workout another day. Get up, exercise today, live your life & be active. And enjoy it. :)

    1. I like it! I've read that quote before and I like it even more with it's application to fitness. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love this!

    Can my facebook page quote today be my inspirational quote? :)
