Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Swim, Bike, Run---Transition

I'm going to make this short and sweet.

I'm switching over to wordpress.  I know... I know... I'm new to the blog world and already making the transition.  You can now follow me at  www.tribalancegirl.com.

Sorry for the quick transition, but I'm convinced that wordpress is easier and more efficient than blogger.  

I did have some motivation from thebeanstalk who wrote all about her transition from blooger to wordpress. (extremely helpful)  Also, one of my favorites theawesomeosbornes switched as well.  

I hope to see you at my new page because we have WAYYYY more stuff to gabber about.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

This Momma can run!

I'm baaaaaack!

I took a one day vacation from the blog scene to spend some good quality time with my family for Easter.  My mom and step-dad came to see/meet Weston and cook some AMAZING food.  My step-dad is a phenomenal cook and he worked that kitchen like no ones business this past weekend.

Typical "How are we going to take the turkey out?" debate

Since Saturday (after the race), I've been soooooo excited to tell you about the race and the final results.  Again, thank you so much for the encouragement and advice.  I needed it!

The night before the race, Matt and I talked about the course and how excited I was to get those running jitters out.  I'm sure I also said "Thank you" a million times for letting me race, since we couldn't run with Weston on the trails and Matt loves racing as much as I do. (HUGE deal because we ALWAYS race together)  We also made sure we had all of our clothes lined up.  NOTE: That is a pet peeve of mine.  On race day, I like to have everything laid out to make sure I'm not missing anything.  I can sleep a little better and a little longer in the morning.  :-)

That morning, when it was still dark, Matt headed out the door and took off to the race site.  I finished getting ready while making mental notes of when I needed to eat, when Weston needed to eat, and making sure the necessary things Matt, Weston and I needed pre/post race were packed in the car.   This packing and getting ready for a race with baby W is new territory for me.  It's my first race as a Mom... a nursing mom.  Like everything else, prep time takes a little longer than it used to.

I got to the race site about 45 min prior to the start and met Matt.  I was already getting that nervous feeling in my stomach.

Do you ever scan and seek potential competitors before the race starts?  I ALWAYS do.

We warmed up together and Matt gave me my final pep talk.  "Be safe, have fun, and run strong"

BAM!  The race clock went off.  The course was congested and I made the mistake of getting stuck behind some folks in the very beginning.  I started of wayyy slower than I intended.  It was good though.  It prevented me from getting overly excited and running faster than I planned.

After I broke away from some of the runners, I wanted to cry. I felt so much emotion while running.  Some people just have that itch...the itch to run.  The itch to be with other competitors.  The itch to be outside and take advantage of life.  I have that itch and it felt sooo good to scratch it and see others doing it too.  

I don't think I can describe to you how fresh the morning air felt or how the sun just barely peeked through the trees.  It was beautiful and it was just me running and running hard.

The trail zigged and zagged.  I ran over rocks, puddles and up some steep portions. Everything was pretty reasonable.  The switch backs allowed me to see who was in front of me "my cheese" and behind me.  I kept saying in my head, "Go get your cheese and NEVER get passed!"

Finish line looked so good

At mile 5, I really wanted to see how hard I could push myself.  I wanted to get to my limit and see if I could push a little bit harder.  My legs and lungs were burning - YES!  The last mile was a steady uphill climb... my favorite.  With 800 m left, the terrain leveled out and I could see the finish line. I kept telling myself to push harder and I DID!

I crossed the finish line running an average pace of 8:30.  It wasn't too terribly fast (I thought I was running sub 7), but I ran my last 3 miles at a 7:15 pace  AND... wait for it...I took first female overall.  "This Momma can run!"

The rest of the weekend was fantastic.  Weston was cozy with his Omi and Opa and I was cozy with all the delicious food my parents cooked.  We had turkey, stuffing, collards, gravy, and cranberry sauce.  Yes, it was our Easter meal NOT to be confused with Thanksgiving.

Easter Sunday - we match!

Happy April 1st.  A new month to succeed and do more than the last.

Do you like Turkey or Ham for Easter?

Any new goals for this month?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Are you a big dog?

Big Dog Running put on a great race.  I was so excited/nervous about being out on the trail.  Thank you everyone for the kind words of encouragement and wishing me luck.  I really did appreciate it.
2 mile point

It was a great day, beautiful weather for racing, and great competitors.  I felt strong and energized the whole time.  Matt and Weston were there to cheer me on and meet me at the finish.

Weston's distracted

I'll write a full synopsis about the race on Monday, but now it's time to spend some good quality time with my family for Easter.

Side note: I don't always get a chance to write lengthy posts, so for quick updates "like" me on Facebook at tribalancegirl.

Happy Easter everyone.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sayyy what?! It's Friday

Somehow this week slipped by me.  I don't understand how I absolutely forgot today was FRIDAY!  Maybe because I've been fixated on a few things

1. Weston and his ability to jabber... he's getting so stinkin cute.
"Sorry ladies.  My mom said I couldn't date till I turn 21"

2. 10k trail run on Saturday
3. MCM registration
4. Easter

5. My parents coming to visit -- operation clean house!

AND... I get a little weepy when I say the following

6. My younger sister traveling to Europe to visit my older brother.  He's taking her to the French Riviera.  So awesome!  I'm not so much jealous of where they are going, but more so the fact they are together.  I love my siblings sooo much.  We are like a peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich.  The perfect combo.

One of my favorite pictures of the three of us at a wedding in 2010

A small list, but distracting enough to make me forget my favorite day.  Friday's are our "date night".  Our night to eat Mexican food and drink beer.  Our night where Matt doesn't do any work and we just relax and hang out as a family i.e fall asleep right after Weston goes to bed because we're both exhausted.  I know.... total partiers. sigh  Friday's are the best.  

Today, I plan on taking it easy (4-6 miles sloooooow) and making a mental note of how I plan on getting through tomorrow.  I haven't raced in FOREVER and I'm certain my competitive nature will be released like a crazy person.  My fear is I'll go out too hard for the first 3.1 miles (excitement and adrenaline always get the best of me)  and quickly regret I have 3.1 more miles to go.

Good or bad... I can't wait to give you guys an update.

Any suggestions for tomorrow?  

Anyone racing this weekend?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Keep calm and run 26.2

The setting was perfect.  I just finished a quick at-home workout I copied from another athletes post.

Complete the following 5x:
5 burpees
10 tuck jumps
15 push ups
20 squats
50 lunges

I tried to do it as fast as I could, while counting each rep out loud because Weston was my audience.
He was delightfully entertained

Then I collapsed on the floor beside him.

Shortly after, about 10 min before the USMC Marathon website opened, Weston was down for a nap.  Perfect.  The website was open and my credit card was handy. 

I even set two alarms to make sure I was absolutely prepared.  Seriously...

BAM!  1200 hit.   That is when things took a turn and the 1 hour saga of refresh, refresh, refresh began.

It was absolutely incredible.  The site was down.  I checked the MCM facebook page, the MCM website, and active.com. DOWN!

12:10 -  Weston wakes up -- that was a short nap

refresh, refresh, refresh

12:20 - I'm losing my cool.
12:25 - I text Matt during his lunch break to announce I possibly won't get a slot.  He gets onto the site. No luck

refresh, refresh, refresh

12:30 - Weston's hungry -- feeding while controlling the mouse with one hand

refresh, refresh, refresh

12:31 - I get into active.com.  Fill out my information one handed, submit my T-Shirt size... click submit  ERROR...refresh, refresh, refresh

12:35 - I receive a text from Matt saying I should find an organization and sign up through them -- he's brilliant 

12:36 - Weston isn't happy.  I'm not happy.  I'm slowly losing more of my cool with the registration process
12:37 - I get into active.com, fill out my info again.  ERROR
refresh, refresh, refresh

12:45 - Matt finds an amazing fundraising organization  -- I log into active.com
refresh, refresh, refresh

12:50 - I'm in!

1:00 - Congratulations! You have registered for 2013 Marine Corps Marathon

I truly thought my hopes of running the 2013 MCM were over.  

1:01 - Reality check: Sometimes there are moments in life when you need to check yourself.  This was one of those moments and I needed a run and some mental clarity to gain some perspective.  

I realized two things about myself today:
1. How much I love racing and running marathons... or any race I've set my mind on doing
2. How quickly I lose my cool over something so small

In the end, I'm thankful to run the MCM.  I'm thankful I get to do it with Matt and my brother-in-law.  I'm thankful I get to meet and run along side so many runners and military supporters.  Most of all, I'm thankful I was pointed in the direction to fundraise and run for a good cause.  I'm looking forward to sharing my training progress with you and the organization I am supporting.   

2:00 - Weston and I ran 5 miles with our new runner friend.  (Thankful for new friends too)  

Those planning to run the MCM, did you get a slot? I really hope so

What do you do when you lose your cool?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What stops you before you open the fridge?

I briefly mentioned in my About Me page I recently got out of the USAF.  I honestly could go on and on about how much I loved my job and the great opportunities, experiences, and people I met along the way.  
The best!  
9 mos preggers at my work baby shower. -- love elephants.. love my coworkers

 Now, on to new and great adventures in life.  I've transitioned from a full time working woman to a full time "stay at home" mom.  The "stay at home" is relative.  I actually think the phrase is relative for most moms or dads holding down the fort.  It should be "go-go-go" mom or dad.  Don't let me fool you though.  I enjoy watching the Today show and drinking a cup or three of coffee in my PJs.  Ultimately, I do get bored easily...  good thing we recently moved 2,000 miles cross country.  

 A fraction of the boxes.  

Don't worry.  The boxes are gone.  Our cloth diapers are now drying in that location. (insert eye roll)
With the move, training/getting back in shape and taking care of baby W, you sometimes forget about yourself and what you're putting in your mouth.  

My solution:  Remind myself exactly what I am working towards.  Please see my fridge below.  Yep!  Instead of those beautiful stickers being plastered to my car, they stare me right in the face before I decide to indulge in mindless eating.  **My dad taught me this little trick.  

It's helpful to remember your ultimate goal.  Plus, they look cool.

So, yesterday I wore an egg and ham roll-up with cottage cheese and cantaloupe.  MEGA protein in my lunch. Geeze!

To cap off the day, I incorporated some spin.  The past two days I've done my workouts on my trainer.  It's so cold outside and it's hard for me to convince myself that baby W is warm when I have to bundle him up like this.

What do you have on your fridge?

Is your workout inside or outside today?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Staying focused like no tomorrow

Oh it's Tuesday,  which means tomorrow is Wednesday.  Which means at exactly 1200 eastern time tomorrow, I will be at my computer, credit card in hand, and signing up for the USMC 2013 Marathon.

I am crossing my fingers and praying I get a slot.  Matt and my brother-in-law are already signed up and I want to be there running 26.2 with them.  Wish me luck!

One of my new blogger friends,  the beanstalk, (she's awesome BTW) posted about her training log and how she keeps it old school by writing everything down.  I do the same and I told her I would share a binder I made because we're ARTSY in that way.

I made this when I was in college to keep track of my workouts, races, etc.  SOOO much fun!
One thing I don't always share with people, is my obsession with staying organized.  It keeps me focused like no tomorrow.  My binder is even tabbed. 
a. store info and such
b. swim races
c. marathon races
d. bike races
e. tri races

Each tab has new and old workouts plus upcoming race information.  The swim tab even has all my workouts in paper protectors so they don't get ruined when I bring them to the pool.  So silly :-)  I can't wait to put my MCM race info in there.

Does anyone else obsess about staying organized?

Anyone else running the MCM?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Impulse race and keeping it classy

Being married to an athlete is so cool because they understand your passion in every way.  I've had my sights set on a race coming up this weekend.  Not for the swag or for a PR, just for the sheer fact to be out there with other runners in a competitive setting.  The race is a trail course and that posed a little bit of a problem because we couldn't do it with Weston.  I know baby W is sad, but Matt came up with an awesome plan.

The race start is only 4 miles away from our house.  Matt and baby W are going to run to the race location and meet me there.  Soooooo sooooo excited!  I haven't done a race in so long AND it's a trail run.  That means I can break out my trail running shoes.  Ahhhhhhhhh, did I mention how excited I am?!

Today my workout agenda included yoga and a little Ab Ripper X.  If I get a chance, I will hop on my bike to loosen up my hips.

I do this little guy every now and again.  Tony can be a little much for me. "Lets check on the kids"

Onto other things... is it okay to dry your cloth diapers in your formal dinning room?

Classy right?  Baby W was getting a diaper rash and I was trying to figure out the possible issues causing this problem.  Could it be the tornado of pollen outside?  Drying your stuff outside is great, but adding pollen to your baby's bottom isn't recommended :-)  Sweet boy

Are you excited about an exciting race or event? 

What do you think of our diaper set up?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Sunday: Long run and silly things you've done one too many times

The whole family went to church last night, which meant we could get up early and get our long run on today.

We didn't get our long run in yesterday due to the rain

Weston thought it would be a good/awesome/fantastic idea to get up early too.  At 5:30, he was wide awake and jabbering away (a new and adorable thing he's learned to do).  I'm sure he was telling us how much fun we were going to have on our run today.

10 miles.  Matt took the first 5 with stroller and I took the last 5.  I LOVE pushing baby W the second part of our run.   It adds an extra challenge when I'm feeling a little more tired.  Plus, I would feel bad if Matt had to push the ENTIRE time.

First 5 (negative splits) Average 8:30
Mile 6: 8'21"
Mile 7: 8'00"
Mile 8: 8'06" (a little uphill)
Mile 9: 8'05"
Mile 10: 7'53"

It was overcast and the skies looked like they were threatening to let loose at any moment.  Fortunately, it stayed dry the entire time  :-).  Despite Weston being so excited this morning, he slept the entire time.  I made sure to give him a full recap when he woke up.

On another note.  Are there things you've done one too many times and it surprises you every time you do it again?  I'm raising my hand way in the sky and saying, "Oh yes!"

Here are my top 10 Oops, I've done it again moments:

1. Thinking I've started my watch or GPS at the beginning of my workout -- Grrrr

2.  Forgetting to return the red box after 24 hrs -- $cha-ching$ on that $1 movie

3.  Drinking too much coffee before a long run -- no explanation needed :-)

4. Leaving my water bottle/fuel at home -- I'm even thirstier when I'm without it

5.  Brushing my teeth right before a work out -- causes too much saliva

6.  Getting ready at the gym and realizing I forgot my towel -- nothing better than drying your body with a paper towel

7.  Forgetting you started a load of laundry -- "Smelly cat, smelly cat"

8.  Not bringing extra safety pins to a race -- lopsided bib

9.  Forgetting to start the timer for soft boiled eggs -- it has to be 5 min.  nothing more and nothing less. 

And my #10 and ultimate favorite

10.  Wearing my under roos inside out -- I know...TMI, but it's happened too many times for me not to share.  I always send my mom the same text when it happens, "It's a good day when your under roos are inside out"

Happy Sunday everyone!

How was your workout today? 

Anything silly you've done more than once and seem to do over and over again?  I would love to hear about it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

When You Look in the Mirror...

When you look in the mirror, do you see an inspirational person? 

Do you see someone who's put in the effort to be called an athlete?
Do you see someone who isn't full of excuses?

Do you see someone who is full of motivation and dedication?

If you don't... 
start looking deeper.  

Adjust your mind and body.  

It's not about what you CAN'T do.  It's about what you CAN do.  

And always remember



Do you have an inspirational quote you would like to share?

Friday, March 22, 2013

It's time to kick it up a notch

"Rain, rain, go away, come again...?...never?"

The weather was never an issue when we lived in CA.  I could always count on beautiful sunny skies and a moderate temp just about every day and ALL day.  Sighhhh

On the bright side of moving cross country, you become a better athlete.  You are exposed to a new climate, altitude, and other training conditions.  Change is always good.

Just a sneak peak of the weekly forecast. I still haven't figured out out how I'm going to do my long run this weekend.  Eeek

Today's hourly forecast wasn't looking too hot.  Luckily, I was already thinking of how I needed to kick it up a notch.

Which led me to set up my beloved bike - Sebastian.  Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos who named their bike.  My dad gave me this bike for my 21st birthday.  It's pretty special to me and we've shared some good times together :-)  

Helpful tip: Prepare your workout items ahead of time.  I always try to maximize my time (with or without a baby).  I've learned to get what I need while he is awake.  When he finally starts to snooze, I can hit the road or in my case the trainer.  You can really maximize your training time.  Even if it's only for 30 min.   

My set up.  Baby monitor, baby ammo, and H2O.  


Isn't he pretty.  After our cross country move, we gave our bikes some TLC.  Mine needed a little extra because I hadn't been on the saddle for a while.  

I was sooo excited to break out my favorite cycling stuff.  
My favorite towel

My favorite cycling socks

I was so excited that I took a self portrait.

All around, great workout.  Mainly focused on my RPMs (above 80) and kept it at a good resistance.  I've started the itch for cycling again and I'm already building spin workouts for next time.  :-)

Like I said, it's time to kick it up a notch.  I'm not loosing my marathon focus, I just needed to add a little something extra to my life since the USMC marathon is FOREVER away.  I  have my sights set on a couple 10ks and triathlons in the near future. 

T.G.I.F - I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend.  

Have you added anything new to your workout routine recently?